Nutrition and nutrigenetics

Listen to your genes and compose your health

A person’s body is a dynamic system which needs a daily supply of essential foods in order to stay healthy and maintain metabolic homeostasis.


Your body needs a daily supply of essential food that include proteins, fats, carbohydrates, vitamins, minerals, and water. A person’s nutritional requirements change according to age (stages of development), physical activity (sport, work), physiological status (pregnancy), emotional state (stress) or sicknesses and disorders. Additionally, food requirements in individual persons may vary drastically depending on individual genetic predispositions in absorbing different food components. Nutrigenetics is the field which studies this phenomenon. Our treatment strategies include knowledge from the field of Nutrigenetics in cooperation with laboratories in Poland and abroad (USA, UK, Italy). Tailoring a diet to our genetic variants (personalized nutrition) is beneficial for our health and plays a role in prevention and treatment of disease.

Examples of gene-related disorders include reactions to ingested carbohydrates, fats, proteins, gluten (celiac disease), fructose (fructosemia), salt (hypertension), alcohol, coffee, vitamin malabsorption, as well as decreased antioxidation potential and the body’s ability to de-toxify itself. Levels of free radicals in the blood and the antioxidation potential help in assessing the nutritional needs of a person. Food, beyond having nutritional value, is also a strong epigenetic modulator, which means that it has the potential to affect our DNA, both negatively and positively. We stress the word positively, because this means that by the language of our diet we can speak with our genes. Who know, we might even get along.